Hybridizer Reward Program Rules and Lists

* To be a participant in this program, a member must pay their dues by April 1st.
* Each participant will pick a number, and then draw a number out of a hat.
* The box(es) will be opened at the meeting. The member whose number is called
first will get the plant on top; the next person will get the next plant. The
idea is that everyone will have the same chance to get the best plant. After
all plants are given out; members are free to trade plants.
* A club officer will handle any plant exchange so the club will have an
accurate record of who has which cultivar.
* If a member is unable to attend the plant distribution meeting, he/she must
make personal contact (not e-mail) with an officer or the Hybridizer Rewards
Program Chair to make arrangements to have his/her plant picked up.
* Members receiving daylilies under the Hybridizer Reward Program will grow two
(2) fans for two (2) years, after which time two (2) fans will be returned to LADS
for sale at a date to be specified. The member will keep any increase.
* Members who receive daylilies under the Hybridizer Reward Program agree to
share pollen from these cultivars with the other members of LADS.
* A list of cultivars awarded to each member will be posted on the LADS web page.


Contact Info

Louisville Area Daylily Society
Michael Stephens

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